Latest OMNI News

Tuesday: Kafubu

July 29, 2014 / OMNI / 2014 Mission, OMNI News

Our final medical clinic for this trip was at Kafubu. This was our first year at this location, but the team did great despite not knowing what to expect.

We had the pharmacy, wound care, and lab in one end the building that had a partial roof. The doctors were on the other end of the barn like building.

There are four different villages at Kafubu, and all were present. The community was very welcoming, and one of the leaders gave a speech to those assembled.

Most of the children were relatively healthy. We saw a lot of snake bites, but many of them were years old. We also met Frida who has lived with bilateral club feet for 50 years.

We hope you have enjoyed the updates from this year’s medical mission trip.

In the coming weeks, we will post more pictures and stories from the trip.

There are many ways to become involved with OMNI: from student sponsorship to making birthing kits to building partnerships with communities and organizations. We hope you will follow your heart and do what you can to make a difference in the lives of the vulnerable.

Thank you for your support.

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