OMNI educates and feeds over 300 children each day at the OMNI School. Children receive a quality education and a hot meal thanks to generous donations and child sponsorships.
Each child at the school is chosen from the most impoverished townships around Ndola. The parents or guardians cannot afford to send their children to school and for many of the children there is no food at home. For many, the only meal eaten is the one provided by OMNI.
OMNI employs twelve teachers and other support staff throughout the year to provide for the children. Each staff member receives a monthly salary.
OMNI works together with the Ndola school board to develop a curriculum according to the Zambian system but also supplemented it with skill building and leadership development.
Students can learn a trade such as sewing, woodworking, livestock care, farming, sports, and even drama classes are taught at the OMNI school. Certain children are selected and trained to become community leaders, based on aptitudes and strength of character.