Latest OMNI News

Saturday: Chisapa

July 26, 2014 / OMNI / 2014 Mission, OMNI News

Chisapa is the farthest clinic we travel to and is the deepest in the bush.

Thanks to Paul, our skillful and valiant bus driver, we did not get stuck on the road through the forest.

Also, we made time to take our traditional group photo on the golden savanna along the road.

At the site, we setup under a large tree that we call “The Tree of Life.” All of the clinic stations circled around the base of the tree.

384 patients came through the clinic today. We saw old friends like Skameezie and made some new ones like Purity.

Today was Jane Lillian Vance’s birthday. Jane treated the wound of a young woman named Purity, and she was so grateful that she returned hours later to bring Jane a large sack of “ground nuts.” Through the translator Jane explained that it was her birthday and gave Purity a necklace as a token of her appreciation.

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