Parental Support
As we take each consecutive step towards our final departure (the date has not been set yet) we realize what a blessing it is to have our parents support. We realize that we are taking their grandchildren away from them! And for many people this is a deal breaker. Emily’s dad and my parents haven been incredibly supportive throughout this whole process. Both our parents raised us in Christian homes where we learned about the love of God from a very early age. We understood the impact of God’s love for us and were baptized at a young age too. Emily and I come from families that love God and show it to others around them.
Their exemplary lives are part of the reason we feel so compelled now to travel to Africa. We know we have been given so much and want to show others who God is through our actions and words. There have been times in both Emily’s and my life when our parents didn’t necessarily approve of our actions. It is not until now, as a parent, that I can fully grasp the emotions that are involved in wanting to protect your kids from getting hurt! I know my parents and my father-in-law are concerned about us and deep down don’t want us to go but they understand our calling and know that it is from God. They have talked about our mission to their friends and church families and have even invited us to speak at their respective churches.
It is one thing for us to believe in our mission it is still another to have others, especially your parents rally behind you. It is still something even bigger to have your parents be your cheerleaders and rally their friends around you! Thank you Mr. Morton, mom and dad for your support of us. We could not do this without you and will not take your grandkids away from you forever!

Many people have asked what our parents think of us going and I am honored to say they support us! They each have their passports ready and have even threatened to put them to good use by coming to visit. It sure doesn’t help that Victoria Falls isn’t too far away! We have promised to take our parents down to visit the falls when they come!
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