Latest OMNI News

Friday: Baluba

July 25, 2014 / OMNI / 2014 Mission, OMNI News

School was still in session when we arrived at Baluba. So, we set up the pharmacy, lab, and wound care at a building at the end of the school yard. Inside that building, the walls were covered in very graphic depictions of how HIV is transmitted.

Outside, the doctors took root under the shade of a mighty tree that provided shelter all day long. On the horizon, large bush fires threw up billowing pillars of smoke. The fires were controlled and created to remove tall grasses and brush from the roadsides and to clear out the land surrounding each compound. As an added benefit, the fires drive out the rats and rodents living in the bush, which provides an opportunity for food.

We brought aid to 497 patients today, but also were really able to connect and help on an individual level with so many like David, little Karen, Sara, John, and Blessing.

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