About Morgan Harrington
OMNI is able to educate and care for vulnerable children in Zambia, Africa because of the selfless efforts of a wide group of volunteers and supporters. Morgan Harrington was one of those who contributed behind the scenes and planned on traveling with the OMNI team into the bush to participate in a hands on way after her graduation. Morgan Harrington was a 20 year old education major at Virginia Tech. University in Blacksburg, Va. Her parents are both health care workers and the entire family is involved with both education and philanthropy. Morgan’s life, and potential for service were ended 10/17/2009 when she was murdered in Charlottesville, Va. Thankfully, Morgan’s remains were discovered January 2010, but to date, hers is an unsolved homicide.
Morgan Harrington will not travel to Zambia with the OMNI team, nor will she educate young children in her chosen profession as a teacher. Despite apparent obstacles, in death, through grace, Morgan Harrington WILL contribute to the education of many deserving, severely impoverished children in Africa. The Morgan Harrington Educational Wing is a 3 classroom building at OMNI Village, George Compound, Ndola Zambia. This facility expanded the space at OMNI School which is currently a grade 1-7 institution with an enrollment over 200 students.
In addition to educating these children and providing a daily feeding program, OMNI sponsors several community development programs as well as a mobile medical team that provides medical care in the North Copperbelt region of Zambia. OMNI is a 501-3c organization and all travel/oversight from the USA is donated by volunteers. 100% of any contribution goes directly into care or education. The Harrington family is grateful for this opportunity to transcend evil and create good through the dedicated work of Orphan Medical Network International.
The new Morgan Harrington Educational Wing at the OMNI School is dedicated to Morgan’s memory.
Proceeds from fundraisers, such as the 2nd Annual Morgan Harrington Memorial Golf Tournament, benefit one of Morgan’s favorite charities, Orphan Medical Network International (OMNI).
Learn more about Morgan at findmorgan.com
Read More about Help Save the Next Girl and the media coverage surrounding recent developments in Morgan’s case:
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